Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Literary Agent's Seeking Authors

3 New Agents Seeking Submissions NOW

Click on any name below to see the full mini-profile on the GLA Blog (with submission instructions).
 Good luck querying!

1. Leigh Eisenman of Hannigan Salky Geltzer (HSG) Agency

She is seeking: Leigh seeks submissions in the areas of literary and commercial fiction for adults, and
is particularly drawn to: flawed protagonists she can't help but fall in love with (Holden Caulfield was her
 first crush); stories that take place in contemporary New York, but also any well-defined, vivid setting;
 and given her background, novels set in law firms or involving lawyers (but not legal thrillers). On the
 nonfiction side, Leigh is interested in foodie/cookbooks (especially baking and - maybe conversely -
healthy cooking), health and fitness, lifestyle, and select narrative nonfiction.

2. Mitch Hoffman of Aaron Priest Literary Agency

He is seeking: Mitch is actively building a client list of authors writing across the spectrum of fiction
and nonfiction, including thrillers, suspense, crime fiction, and literary fiction, as well as narrative
 nonfiction, politics, popular science, history, memoir, current events, and pop culture.

3. Alexa Stark of Trident Media Group

She is seeking: Alexa's interests are wide-ranging, but she is particularly drawn to literary
 fiction, upmarket commercial fiction, young adult, memoir, narrative nonfiction, popular
science, cultural criticism and women's issues.

13 Literary Agents Seeking Southern Fiction NOW 

In celebration of my three new books released this September, I'm doing a lot of special
lists of agents seeking queries right NOW. My most recent list (on the Writers in the Storm
 Blog) is 13 Literary Agents Seeking Southern Fiction NOW.

All the 14 agents listed below personally confirmed to me as of fall 2015 that they are
 actively Southern fiction novels submissions for adults NOW. Some gave personal notes
 about their tastes while some did not. Good luck querying! And please note there is a giveaway
 going on with this contest. One random commenter will be chosen to win any of my 3
most recent books.

1. Sarah Joy Freese (Wordserve Literary)

How to submit : Please address queries to: admin [at] In the subject
 line, include "Query for Sarah: [title]." Sarah will contact you within 60 days if interested.
 Paste the first 5 pages of the book into the email below the query.

2. Julie Gwinn (The Seymour Agency)

How to submit: E-query julie [at] Send a query and the first
5 pages of your work pasted into the email.

See the full list of 13 agents here.

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